I love storytellers. I enjoy reading a great book or hearing a remembrance from someone blessed. I was recently introduced to a new friend who took a positive memory from a 3rd-grade experience and turned it into a series of books for young children. It is clever and delivers a great message for kids and adults to hear as we navigate this crazy and chaotic world.
Shortly, you will meet Sandy Mals (Ciaramitaro) who created an altruistic world of Good Eggs that go to school together and even travel the world together. She has written three engaging books that encourage children between 5 and 12 years old to learn important virtues of what it takes to be a Good Egg. Compliments from teachers, parents, and students show that Sandy is on to something big, something that has the potential to teach and reach children all across the world.
Importantly, Sandy has taken the stories she created and evolved them into a 501 (c) 3 foundation that focuses on helping families and organizations facing challenges. Her foundation provides care and assistance to those who need it in the form of being “EGGED,” something she will explain in the podcast. Sandy has certainly captured my attention with her concept and I know you will find her efforts to teach and support children equally fascinating. As Sandy expresses on her website, “When children are given a chance to break the cycle of poverty, to be educated and comfortable, we give them not only what they need at the moment, but we help them get the childhood and future they deserve.”
Please listen to our podcast and learn about the books, the foundation, and her very innovative animated series of podcasts and YouTube videos. I highly recommend her animated videos which illustrate the positive effect her stories have on children and the importance of learning important virtues.
Please circle back after the podcast to check out The Good Eggs Foundation website and links to order books and donate to the foundation.
A special shout out to my friend Sam Misuraca, co-founder of Building Beds 4 Kids, for my introduction to Sandy and her fantastic concept for helping children develop positive traits that will change their lives.
Listen to the new podcast episode here!
Get in Touch with The Good Eggs
Website: www.thegoodeggs.org
Contact: thegoodeggsfoundation@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheGoodEggsFoundation
Podcast: https://www.thegoodeggs.org/podcast
Purchase Books:: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09WB3G3PV?ref_=dbs_m_mng_rwt_calw_tkin_0&storeType=ebooks