I mentioned in my last newsletter that I wanted to take some time to think about my efforts with the 3rd Act and contemplate the next step or direction that is right for me and more importantly what vision and focus are best for the people and organizations I want to help and support. The keyword that kept surfacing, as I was analyzing and bouncing around thoughts regarding the podcasts and blogs I produced over the last 18 months, is effectiveness. Have I been effective or successful in promoting individuals and organizations that are doing great things, helping to get the word out about their efforts to improve the lives of others?
Many friends and new acquaintances are kind and express enthusiasm for my efforts to support and promote others, which I very much appreciate. My own self-examination is more critical as I contemplate true effectiveness with the time spent preparing and producing weekly notes and periodic podcasts while maintaining my full-time day job. Another way to pose the question related to my personal effectiveness is whether I am using my time wisely? Should I place more of my time and effort into fewer causes that would allow more time for volunteering and fundraising?
These questions are not going to be answered in this note today but I will express to you that I plan to devote more time to fewer causes this year with my desire to be more successful in helping individuals and organizations that appreciate the time and commitment. There are so many people that need our love and attention in our communities that it seems overwhelming at times. I have been privileged to witness first-hand many wonderful and kind people in our communities who go the extra mile to help others. It is truly awe-inspiring. I hope to be able to assist them in their efforts for years to come.
Before I highlight the worthy cause I would like to bring to your attention today I want to emphasize that I totally understand that my 3rd Act effort is something I need to do for myself in order to provide more substance and purpose in my life going forward. As I stated in the beginning, I don’t know exactly where this endeavor will lead me but I appreciate your time and attention and the valuable help I receive from Jean Steed, Emily Davis, and Joe Woolworth.
Everyone. Everywhere. Pulling Together.
You may remember the podcast I did with Steven Dowd on September 21, 2021, recounting his remarkable recovery from a devastating and crippling cycling accident in 2016 that left him paralyzed from the neck down with an uncertain prognosis for recovery. Steven’s story is amazing in many facets and illustrates the importance of personal resilience, setting a North Star goal, and working diligently to improve every day. I just listened to the podcast again this week and it was a good reminder that we all can work ourselves out of dark and difficult places if we put our minds in the right place and strive for small wins each day.
Steven’s passion to help others led to a successful all-inclusive indoor rowing event for charity last year that included over 1,000 rowers from 11 countries. This year he is raising the bar and looking for more participants to join and become part of the international community in the EnduRow Challenge 2022 on February 5, with 100% of donations going to the Para Rowing Foundation in Boston, MA. The theme this year is Take It To The Team with the hope that small groups will work together in a rowing gym or studio and join the four-hour live-streamed event @ 1200-1600 GMT on Feb 5.
My friend Alex Davis and I have solicited the help of Ashley Knuth, franchise owner of the Row House rowing studio at 13 Mile and Southfield Road in Southfield, Michigan to host the event. Ashley is enthusiastic to help the cause and is willing to allow us to use her studio for the live event. Alex and I are building a list of rowers and participants that will work on a team basis to raise funds for the Para Rowing Foundation. As you will hear from Steven in his invitation to join the challenge, participants don’t have to be dedicated rowers. Anybody, no matter their age or physical ability, is welcome to join in and become part of this global community event.
If you are interested in joining our team, please respond via email to info@wearethirdact.com. Importantly, due to COVID, we will have designated time slots to avoid unsafe group gatherings. We will provide more details about the event over the next several weeks. Please join us. It is a great opportunity to get some exercise and raise funds for a worthy organization. Looking forward to your participation. Feel free to call me if you have questions.
Roger N. Steed
Cell: 248-842-4763
